Mirjana Matešić

Mirjana Matešić has been Director of the Croatian Business Council for Sustainable Development since 2004. She actively promotes the implementation of sustainable development in the economy of the Republic of Croatia by organizing and participating in projects and as an organizer of workshops, seminars and projects with the aim of raising awareness of the need to apply the concept of sustainable development in Croatia. She launched HR BCSD’s quarterly newsletter Economy and Sustainability, which promotes sustainable development in the economy. She authored two books and a series of papers in the field of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. She is one of the creators of the project of the Croatian Sustainability Index – HRIO, an award for corporate sustainability of companies in Croatia. She is a member of the State Council for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection. She received her doctorate in 2010 in the field of sociology of sustainable development at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, her master's degree in business economics at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb in 2008, and her degree in ecology at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Zagreb in 1995.