

Old City Hall – Zagreb, May 3rd and 10th, 2024

Join the Citizens' Dialogue on climate change and energy transition on May 3rd, 2024, which will be held at the Zagreb City Assembly at 9 am.

The conference also represents a platform to collect citizens' feedback on the European Green Deal, as well as the City of Zagreb's energy and climate policy, which will serve as guidelines for formulating messages for the new European Parliament and the European Commission on the future of the European Green Deal, but also for shaping the future energy and climate policy of the City of Zagreb.

The second day of the conference, May 10th, is dedicated to the role of cities in the green transition and their key contribution to achieving climate neutrality. As urbanization expands, the urban energy infrastructure is facing challenges posed by the climate crisis. This day will explore the ways cities can become leaders in energy transition, providing innovative strategies and examples of good practice to deliver a sustainable future.

Your active participation is key to developing innovative strategies and promoting sustainable urban energy infrastructure.

Organizers and partners