Working bodies

City Assembly has permanent and occasional working bodies.

Permanent working bodies of the City Assembly examine draft decisions and other draft acts as well as other issues on the agenda of the City Assembly, and give their opinions and suggestions thereon. Permanent working bodies may address other issues from the scope of administrative activities of the City of Zagreb and propose discussion thereon to the City Assembly as well as draft general and other acts from their scope of activity.

Occasional working bodies are set up for the purpose of considering or expert analysis of a particular issue, or drafting a particular act.


The permanent working bodies of the City Assembly are:
1. Mandate Issues, Elections and Appointments Committee
2. Statute, Rules of Procedure and Regulations Committee
3. Committee for the Naming of City Neighbourhoods, Streets and Squares
4. Economy, Environmental Sustainability and Agriculture Committee
5. Finance Committee
6. Physical Planning Committee
7. Social Welfare and Health Committee
8. War Veterans Committee
9. Education, Sport and Youth Committee
10. Culture, International Relations and Civil Society Committee
11. Local Self-Government, Civil Protection and Security Committee
12. Petitions and Complaints Committee
13. Control Committee
14. National Minorities Committee
15. Public Recognition Committee

Working bodies established by special decisions or in accordance with legal or other regulations:
1. City Coordination for Human Rights
2. Gender Equality Commission of the City of Zagreb
3. Ethics Committee
4. Committee for the Prevention of Conflicts of Interest