Aleksandra Anić Vučinić

Aleksandra Anić Vučinić graduated at the Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb in 1995, majoring in biochemical engineering, and was awarded the Rector's Award for the best student work. She obtained the title of Doctor of Science on in 2008 by defending his doctoral dissertation on "Optimization of the technological process of wastewater treatment in constructed wetlands." Since 2011 she has been employed at the Faculty of Geotechnics, University of Zagreb, where she currently holds the position of Head of the Environmental Engineering department and holds several courses in undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies in Environmental Engineering. She is an Editor-in-chief of scientific Journal of Environmental Engineering.
She devoted her primary scientific research focus on waste management and the circular economy. She is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific and professional papers. She has led and / or participated in a number of professional and scientific projects in the field of environmental protection and waste management. She participates in the establishment and implementation of special waste management systems at the state level.
She is the president of the Croatian Association for Waste Management (HUGO), which is a member of the International Waste Management Association.