Opennes to public

Activities of the City Assembly and its working bodies are open to the public. The City Assembly reports to the public on its activities through public media and the City Assembly website where it publishes the agenda of the City Assembly and its working bodies, draft acts and other material discussed by the City Assembly and its working bodies, questions and proposals of the City Assembly members and respective answers as well as minutes of the City Assembly sessions.

Public media reporters have the right to follow the activities of the City Assembly and its working bodies and report to the public on their activities.

Public media editorial boards are ensured a timely delivery of notices of sessions of the City Assembly and its working bodies, and the session material is available to them in accordance with Article 19 paragraph 1 of the City Assembly Rules of Procedure.
Accredited public media reporters are provided conditions for following the activities of the City Assembly and its working bodies as well as spatial and technical conditions for reporting.

Citizens and up to three representatives of interested legal persons have the right to participate in the sessions of the City Assembly and its working bodies.
Citizens and legal persons are obliged to announce their attendance or the attendance of their representatives at the sessions of the City Assembly and its working bodies in writing, at the latest three days prior to the session. Citizens are obligated to state their name and surname as well as date and place of birth, and legal persons are obliged to state the same data for each person who will attend the session.
The president of the City Assembly or the working body may limit the number of persons attending the session due to spatial conditions and for the purpose of maintaining order at the session.

In order that public reporting on the activities of the City Assembly and its working bodies may be as complete and exact as possible, official statements may be given and press conferences may be held.
Official statements on the activities of the City Assembly are provided by the president of the City Assembly and other individuals authorized by the president.
A press conference is held when the City Assembly or the president of the City Assembly decides upon it.
The press conference is held by the president of the City Assembly or an individual authorized by the president.
Official statements on the activities of a City Assembly working body are given by the working body president.

Request for attending sessions may be submitted by:
- Fax at the following number: + 385 1 610 0097
- E-mail at the following address:
- Mail at the following address: City Assembly of the City of Zagreb, Ulica sv. Ćirila i Metoda 5, 10000 Zagreb

Please submit your requests via the provided form.
Request for attending sessions

The public may be excluded from a part of or the whole session of the City Assembly or the working body only exceptionally, in cases as stipulated by special laws and the general act of the City of Zagreb.
A City Assembly member may not reveal data which he learnt at a session from which the public was excluded.
The secretary of the City Assembly determines the procedures for handling the classified materials and acts.